Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Here We Go Again.....

September is here once again. To most of the world, it's just the first month of fall and the last barbecue times of the year. For students globe-wide (myself included) it means another year of (drumroll please) SCHOOL. Ah yes. We all know the 'S' word. Nine months of boring classes, hard tests, mean teachers, report cards, cafeteria 'food' and judgements all around (by lookish teens and bookish teachers). But as dreadful as the last statement sounds, school is , unbelievably to some, not all bad. It is the source of a valuable (no matter how unwanted) education and the foundation of some of the first and strongest friendships in one's life. So to all those bound to school this year, buck up and buckle down, because if you make good friends and get good grades, you will be far better off in the long run. Now I'm off to school for the next nine months, but I'll keep in touch, y'all.

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