Sunday, January 3, 2010

My Method IS Madness

Recently, I have come to grips with the very real possibility that I am, for all intents and purposes, insane. Not like Norman Bates hacky-slashy style of insane, the Sheldon Cooper neurotic-Asperger's style of insane, just the insane of someone who has seen both the best of life and the worst of life, brilliance and idiocy, hope and despair, ecstasy and rage, love and hate, companionship and solitude, and is just trying to find a middle ground. The kind of insane that only comes from observing the insanity of the world around you and trying to stay somewhat ,for lack of a better term, normal. The particular brand of bonkers that evolves from just being the person that the powers-that-be intended for you to be. So, maybe I'm not crazy after all. Just, human.

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