Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Extra! Extra! Extra!

I have stumbled into a new passion and remembered an old one: writing for a humor column in the school newspaper and photography (respectively). The new one is much harder than it sounds, because finding material is so radically hard. Mostly teachers and current events are prime targets, but others are just as useful (and more original to boot). For photography, I took pictures of various things on my school campus and realized two things: just how much fun I was having, and just how awful my camera is. It's a little blocky Kodak CD33 and has served me well, but for my job will make things very difficult (I am also trying to land a photography spot on the paper). Wish me luck and if you go to Cranbrook, read the Crane-Clarion's next issue, because I will be in it (or my pics will be).

Sunday, October 18, 2009

The most complicated of creatures...

Women. Every man wants to understand how a woman thinks, what makes her tick. Frankly, as a guy, I can say that it cannot be done. This is not to insult the capabilities of men, but decoding the mind of the average female is like trying to unscramble a Rubik's dodecahedron made entirely of angry, rabid chameleons in an Andy Warhol painting (translation: impossible). They are the one treasure every (straight) man hunts, and the language that few men speak. They are more emotional, more sensitive, more insightful, and more complex than men. So why do we still try to solve the riddle, finish the jigsaw, tame the chameleons? Because we have to. Somewhere deep in the mind of every straight guy, is the little voice that says "You have to at least try. Now go, my son, go and try." So to all guys out there, go try (and if you succeed/have succeeded, try not to get bitten by the chameleons, rabies is a hassle).

Monday, October 12, 2009

Another unique situation...

Every now and again, my mom will be around the country for days or weeks on end. This means that I'll be put up in my school's dorms for that time. I am a one-of-a-kind student at school, as I can look at both the lives of the light-fearing, gamer heavy, food hoarding boarders, and the relatively normal people of the day student demographic. I did this for a week and a month in two different instances last year, and loved it. This time is for a measly three days (I leave tomorrow), but light shines through. I have made a deal with my mother, and if I can achieve straight A's this years, my transformation into a boarder will be complete. Here's hopin'.