Monday, February 1, 2010


Wow. Recently I decided to go through my comments, and found an astounding variety. From lavishing compliments to hints at my implied homosexuality about as subtle as a taser to the spine, I can tell a lot about my readers. Some thoroughly enjoy my work (for some reason), some find it boring, and some find it (and i quote) 'GAAAAAAAY'. So there are happy people, bored people, and assholes (AKA trolls). To my fans, keep reading, I appreciate it. To all the trolls and haters, go violate a flaming cactus.


  1. you are neither funny, nor intelligent. stop trying to be cute. it doesn't work. your comments aren't insightful and they don't benefit anyone. you have no followers anyway.
    and i'm not even trolling right now. this is just the truth.
    you don't have any "fans" except ben smith.

    p.s. he wants your penis.

  2. 1. I am both.
    2. Not trying to be cute, so that makes sense
    3. Not my comments, everyone elses
    4. Actually you are.
    5. I don't care about followers
    6. Like he counts
    7. Yeah right

  3. BS: firstly, i do not want anyones penis, thank you.
    and secondly, im not a fan.
    thirdly, i hate blogs and only show up on this when im either really bored or chance wont shut up about it.

  4. chance u scuck at life almost as much as u suck mens dicks. u wonder y every comment u have is bad

  5. English only here. btw, its not german, its a typo. moron.

  6. chance you dont know what you are talking about cuz u cant fucking speak german. even if u could you still wouldnt know

  7. Scuck was a typo. It's not German, it was a typo.

  8. ur fucking retarted and u dont know what the fuck u are talking about

  9. After translating from German to English and getting no results,and going to the German dictionary and getting no results, I am fairly confident that YOU don't know what you are talking about

  10. slang like that is rarely in the dictionary
