Monday, February 8, 2010


Ah, young love.
Where would we be without it? Seriously, the human race would've died out log ago. Still, I think Valentine's Day is a little much. For those of you not caught up, look up my 'Holidays' rant. For the rest of you, back to business. Valentine's Day is where sales in chocolate, flowers, Hallmark cards, jewelry, and lingerie all soar, in the name of romance. Why? for love, or more precisely, lust. The basic drive to continue your name and add another branch on the family tree (or just a drunken hookup with a stranger met in a bar). That drive exists without romance, so why bother? This is why Valentine's Day seems like a bit too much to me. It's a day needlessly celebrating a base instinct we all share 24/7, 365. But still, the spirit in which it is intended is nice, so I guess it isn't so bad. Happy Valentine's Day, everyone.


  1. Very, very morbid you are. Some true but always exceptions there are. Once you go from a not so lonesome dove to a dove in love (implying your going out with someone) then see you ill the importance of this date.

  2. Morbid, no. Cynical, yes. Very rare exceptions too. I get the metaphor and your point, but its still a fairly pointless holiday

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Lonely you are so lonely you need somebody rite now ur on ur own ooooooooooooooooo

  5. um u boroadcasted ur current dove that u like and everybody knos in that group includin her and her boyfriend who finds it hilarios

  6. you like men that are dressed as women
